Hail Aristotle, the Inventor of Computer

In his time Zero was in a nascent stage. Still, Aristotle could develop a sort of binary language that paved the way for today’s computer. Abacus, the earliest calculator, is still being used in Japan. The mathematical logic in a crude form was put forward by non-other than Aristotle, one of the greatest philosophers-mathematicians worlds has ever seen.

In fact, that ancient mathematical logic developed by Aristotle is the basis on which Leibniz built the concept language. This study was further carried forward by George Boole and Gottlob Frege the modern philosophers- mathematicians. The Babbage engine and the code-breaking machines of World War II indebted to the concept language which in turn was derived out of the mathematical logics.

Mathematical logic did not have a smooth sailing through centuries and even branded as absurd. But a critical analysis from last century proved the worth of the concept. It turned out to be the basis on which modern computer languages could be developed. In fact, only by 1930s, some definite correlation was established by two thinkers named Shannon and Turing. In their presentations, the explicit connection between switching, relay circuits, and computable numbers was created.

Strangely the so-called mathematicians, philosophers, and scientists have either overlooked or not considered critical of what Aristotle has propagated. The prototype computer system called Differential Analyser was instrumental in solving differential equations at a sped unknown till then. That was the work of Vannevar Bush of MIT. He was the guide of Claude Shannon who wrote the paper “A Symbolic Analysis of Switching and Relay Circuits,” that system comprising of mechanical and controlled by electrical subsystem relays opened up the road for circuit designs.

Without the help of Aristotle, created by the Computer would not have been possible. He laid the foundation for computer technology on which we could develop.

Reference URL: https://www.theatlantic.com/technology/archive/2017/03/aristotle-computer/518697/

Molecular Structure to Battery, Quantum Computers Have Everything Up Their Sleeves

Chemists are thrilled as the super computers, or quantum computers are turning better batteries as well revealing the secrets of atomic structures. Yes, it is a quantum leap by all means.

Efforts to invent more practical superconductors and better batteries could be the first areas of the business to get a quantum speed boost. Amazon, Google, IBM, and Microsoft are the ones already announced their jump into the fray of integrating cloud computing to quantum computing. This marriage will have a tremendous impact on the way in which we look at a computer now. There will be an increase in power, efficiency, and machine learning applications, logistics, and diagnostics.

The Chemists can modify the batteries or electronics by simulating molecules with new algorithms needed. Using quantum-mechanical effects which are apparent at smaller scales, the quantum computers can do many things so far the conventional computers have failed to perform. The hardware and software have opened up new vistas with quantum computing. IBM is exploring the smaller systems for chemistry with the algorithm.

By simulating molecules and chemical reactions new materials, drugs, or industrial catalysts have become handier to tackle. The behaviour of atoms and molecules were difficult to analyses even with the super computers. But with the quantum computers can throw light into smaller molecules. Also throwing light on new light-emitting molecules and grid store batteries suitable for grid-scale energy storage are possible.

The calibration of experimental data is now almost instantaneous with quantum computers. The qubits, the essential component of quantum computer technology reduces the time significantly. Microsoft is way ahead of competitors with practical quantum algorithms focussing more on chemistry and materials science.

Inventing new, practical superconducting materials is one possible positive outcome. Exploring the most possible and practical configuration of the electrons in an atom is practically possible now.

Reference URL: https://www.technologyreview.com/s/603794/chemists-are-first-in-line-for-quantum-computings-benefits/

Distinguishing Trees From Rivers Thanks To D Wave Quantum Computer

Aerial mapping had problems in identifying objects correctly. Trees were interpreted as lakes and roads as rivers. But now not more! All thanks to the D-Wave 2X quantum computers which can learn from its mistakes!

This trend is going to be making far-reaching advancement in machine reading of patterns and objects. The Burnaby, Canada who introduced quantum computer a decade back, deployed a D-Wave 2X computer in the aerial topographical analysis and the result was astonishing.

Instead of binary computing with 0 and 1 configuration and algorithms, the quantum computers use qubits, a subatomic level of quantum bits. The conventional computers use a lot of memory to as well as processing power besides time. The quantum computers bypass the limitations of programming as well.

Feeding satellite images into the D-Wave 2X processor with 1152 qubits was asked to identify and classify different objects. And astonishingly the results were promising to determine the trees and buildings as well as rivulets. This is a promising trend to identify and mapping overcoming the limitation of conventional computers. The accuracy in identifying objects like trees was a mind blogging 90%.

The advancement can be in weather forecasting more accurately. The imagining of clouds advance prediction of weather a couple of month in advance on a global level is a reality with the advent of this technology. Also identification of the eco-sensitive areas for deforestation or development is possible, which was a controversial topic so far. The flow pattern of rivers is another aspect that can be analysed with unerring accuracy.

However, the arguments are not without criticisms like the real difference between a quantum computer and a conventional one is the speed. Of course, the machine learning using quantum computer technology is bound to stay. And the problem-solving applications it can offer in the day today life are enormous.

Reference URL: http://www.sciencemag.org/news/2017/03/quantum-computer-learns-see-trees

Safeguarding Internet Data Temporarily With Encryption Codes

Unfortunately, the measures taken to secure the internet using encryption is not a permanent solution. But fortunately there is a silver lining to the problem – the quantum computers are emerging. The public key cryptography is still terrible for ordinary users in the new internet security systems for the quantum computing age. Mathematical modelling is the key to solve the lacuna.

As the functioning of Quantum computers is different, they operate at a sub-atomic level and an exponential rate of speed than ordinary -based computers. To hack that, quantum computer needs an equally or better efficient system. To create an online security system better prepared for future demands, Hamlin along mathematics professor William Webb created the solution called Generalized Knapsack Code.

A Generalized Knapsack Code was developed in 2015 for retrofitting a binary and base ten sequences. This code, so far restricted to theoretical mathematicians only, can now be interpreted by engineers and scientist with ease. The number string is more complicated than binary computing that is prevalent here now. The generalized knapsack is more feasible and practical and offers a viable security means that is understood beyond the pure mathematics.

Hamlin, the inventor of the generalized knapsack, explains “This lets it block a greater array of cyber-attacks, including that using basis reduction, one of the decoding methods used to break the original knapsack code.” The Number in Mathematical Cryptography may be the ultimate tool to thwart hackers. The Quantum computing is going to overturn the present thinking on computer safety totally.

Code like this can be implemented in conventional hardware and yet it would also be secure from a hacker with a quantum computer. The new concept can be adapted for e-commerce and communications that are more prone to hacking. Quantum computer can transform the way cyber-attacks flourishing now, and Mathematicians can help.

Is Your Computer Having Some Problems? Repair it, Don’t Replace it.

With this increased dependency on computers we are in turn subjecting to various dangers like virus attacks, etc. Computer repair helps us keep our system free from such treats and use it smoothly. Computer repairing is a thriving business but the reliability as well as dependability of the breed is questionable. Our endeavor is that we are trying to update the data for the benefit all concerned. In case you come across a certified computer repair facility, please let us know. The use and throw culture were catching up among computer users especially any breakdown, however trivial takes place.

One logical reason is a common belief among the users is getting rooted that there is a scarcity of good computer repair personnel. In spite of high-end advertisements, many would not even do updates leaving aside even minor repair. Even the simplest windows update turns out to be cumbersome.

The inquiries come in many fashions from incorporating new OS like replacing old XP or Vista to conversing Videos to DVDs. The flash, DVD, and clouds are not that user-friendly nomenclatures to many. Converting old media files to the latest format is tricky to many users. Many computer repairs have earned the wrath of customers because of this. Please share your data base of technological wizards and who are responsive enough. A good one, we would like to recommend to you is Computer Care Clinic, 7025 N. Wickham Road, Suntree and also at 126 E. Merritt Island Causeway, Merritt Island. This is a no jargon, down to earth and certified and with qualified technicians. You can get conversion of the older media to newer ones at a reasonable price. To name a few are CC Video Duplication in Melbourne, Ken Demmer in Merritt Island, Jim Robb, V.U. Sound Studio in Palm Bay, Ron Volbrecht in Melbourne.

Reference URL: http://www.floridatoday.com/story/news/local/help/2017/02/25/computer-going-bad-repair-replace/98340092/