Artificial Intelligence Could Trigger World War III

Elon Musk says that an international AI race will trigger World War III, rather than a 20th century-style arms race. With the Hydrogen Bomb and Intercontinental Ballistic Missiles threats from North Korea a reality, we should agree with the multi-billionaire who plans shuttle service -SpaceX- to Space. He is sure that ‘AI superiority at a national level will most likely be the cause of WWIII.’
With the computer science supremacy of US, Russia, and China, the threat is real and imminent. Russian supremo Vladimir Putin is serious of looping in on AI’s geopolitical potential. He says AI is the future of all the occupants in this Earth. The threat is unpredictable and colossal. The future leader of humankind is the one who will master this technique called ‘Artificial Intelligence.’
This incidentally was told by tech-savvy Putin, who told the students via satellite, promising to share the AI findings including nuclear development to the entire world. Musk warned the Governments to refrain from using AI for Military purposes as of now.
Elon Musk said ‘We are summoning the demon with artificial intelligence.’ He leads more than 100 robotics and AI leaders in calling for the United Nations to take action against the lethal autonomous weapons.
Microsoft’s Bill Gates and physicist Stephen Hawking have also warned of the threats AI posed to mankind and raised the same fear. But Chief Executive Officer of Alphabet Larry Page of Google believes AI could help mankind and should be allowed to do so. Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg as usual criticised Musk’s skepticism about AI.
Musk is developing Neural ink, which aims to create a computer-brain interface to help keep humans to challenge the emerging AI. Nick Bostrom of Oxford University expressed that we have just 50 years to save ourselves from AI. Yes, Machine intelligence is not far.

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